lunedì 9 gennaio 2017

Era già tutto deciso. Ecco il testo dell’accordo tra M5S e Alde

epa02416812  (2nd row L-R) Denmark Prime Minister Lars Rasmussen, Estonia Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, Vice President of the EUropen Commission and Commissioner for transport Siim Kallas, (1st row L-R) former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt and the chairman of the European parliament's Liberal Group Guy Verhofstadt, Finland's Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi, ELDR's President Annemie Neyts, Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Ireland Taoiseach Brian Cowen pictured during the family portrait at the meeting of the ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe), ahead of the European summit of heads of states, later today, Thursday 28 October 2010, in Brussels.
Un accordo scritto in 4 punti fra il Movimento 5 Stelle e il gruppo Alde al Parlamento europeo sarebbe già stato messo a punto il 4 gennaio scorso a Bruxelles
Come riporta il sito dell’Agi, un accordo scritto in 4 punti fra il Movimento 5 Stelle e il gruppo Alde al Parlamento europeo sarebbe già stato messo a punto il 4 gennaio scorso a Bruxelles. Il documento è stato in particolare ripreso dai siti e I punti dell’accordo per l’ingresso del M5S nel gruppo liberaldemocratico guidato dall’europeista belga Guy Verhofstadtriguardano in particolare il “rinnovo della democrazia europea”, la “riforma dell’Eurozona”, i “diritti e le libertà” e le “opportunità senza confini”. Ieri il leader del Movimento 5 Stelle ha lanciato una consultazione online fra i militanti sulla decisione di passare dall’alleanza con gli euroscettici dell’Ukip a quella con gli europeisti dell’Alde. Gli eurodeputati del Movimento sono 17.
Da Bruxelles arriva la conferma che il Movimento 5 Stelle ha raggiunto un “accordo di principio” con il gruppo Alde per un’alleanza al Parlamento europeo. Come spiega, sempre all’Agi, a Bruxelles il portavoce Diego Destro, non sarebbe stato possibile sottoporre al voto online una simile decisione senza prima avere concordato i principali punti dell’accordo con i Liberaldemocratici. Il documento circolato, spiega il portavoce, “è uno di quelli su cui si è lavorato, e conferma le condizioni politiche alla base dei negoziati come sono state illustrate nel post con cui ieri è stata lanciata la consultazione” e in particolare:
  1. – condivisione dei valori di democrazia diretta, trasparenza, libertà, onestà ;
  2. – totale e indiscutibile autonomia di voto;
  3. – partecipazione dei cittadini nella vita politica delle Istituzioni europee;
  4. – schieramento compatto nelle battaglie comuni come la semplificazione dell’apparato burocratico europeo, la risoluzione dell’emergenza immigrazione con un sistema di ricollocamento permanente, la promozione della green economy e lo sviluppo del settore digitale e tecnologico con maggiori possibilità occupazionali”.
Le condizioni, ha spiegato ancora Destro, sono state messe a punto dagli stessi leader dei rispettivi partiti, Beppe Grillo e Guy Verhofstadt. Ora si attende l’esito della votazione online, ma per la serata di oggi e’ prevista una visita dello stesso Grillo a Bruxelles. Nessun commento fino ad ora dall’Alde.

Ecco il testo integrale dell’accordo (in inglese)
ALDE and the Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) share the core values of freedom, equality and transparency. We both see the individual as the central building block of society, while promoting an open economy, solidarity and social cohesion as the preconditions for people to achieve their full potential. We both want to strengthen the influence of citizens on decisions that affect them, including through developing mechanisms for direct democracy and by motivating people to participate and engage in politics.
More importantly, we are both reformist forces that want to fundamentally change the way the European Union operates today. We strive for a fundamental overhaul, because the European Union of today is unable to deliver the results that citizens expect in terms of prosperity and protection, which fuels distrust and disillusionment instead of building up confidence and commitment.
Too many of our citizens see the European Union as part of the problem, as the indirect driver behind uncontrolled globalization that is perceived as benefitting only a few. While in fact it should be the opposite. We believe only the European Union has sufficient weight to exploit globalisation, as a force for good and to ensure that the benefits are shared by all. The European Union must be the democratic counterweight to globalized economic forces.
Therefore, we want to see reform in key areas.
1. The renewal of European democracy.
ALDE and M5S champion a more democratic and transparent Union. We both want a smaller, more effective European Commission, a reformed European Council and a more powerful European Parliament that is on equal footing with the Council. We both believe part of the Members of the European Parliament should be elected on a transnational basis as an important step towards a real European democracy.
We also want to end the ineffective ‘grand coalition’ that has monopolised power and paralysed Europe for too long. The way forward is enhancing the direct involvement of citizens in the democratic processes and increase transparency, by making all documents public as a rule and by using clear language to communicate in all kind of legislation as well as in international arrangements and trade agreements. We need to make the institutions more transparent and accountable, and give citizens more direct influence over policies and the choice of political leadership, both in the ballot station and through other tools for citizens’ involvement.
2. Reform of the Eurozone
During the past decade, our single currency has proven to be stable and resilient against external shocks, but it has fallen short in strengthening our economy and achieving convergence between the national economies. The euro has not delivered on its promise. It is high time to fix some of the underlying flaws.
We need to build around the common currency a system that is able to absorb economic shocks in the eurozone and that needs to be managed by a new governance that must be embedded in transparent and democratic structures. We also need to review the way in which national budgets are monitored, and introduce a new convergence code that is focussed on meaningful reforms and ensuring value for money delivery of public services, instead of one-sidedly on budget numbers.
3. Rights and freedoms
The European Union is first and foremost a community of values. We need to make European Union the global champion of civil liberties, fundamental rights and the rule of law. The European Union has to ensure the basic values and principles, laid down in the EU Treaties, are respected throughout the EU. Shared values and mutual trust are key for EU policies such as police and justice cooperation, asylum and refugee policies, the digital agenda, energy or the joint management of external borders.
4. Opportunities without borders
Equally, Europe should be able to secure the four fundamental freedoms by better protecting the common market. This requires a broad strategy that reaches from tackling dumping of products on the EU market to eliminating obstacles to free movement for ordinary citizens. The single market has to become the hub for talent, innovation, start-ups and small and medium sized enterprises as well as multinationals. At the same time a single market without internal borders clearly requires that questions of solidarity and social cohesion needs to be tackled as a priority!

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